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Charlie’s Best Bread’s new location is the former Con Pane space in Point Loma.  Con Pane, for those of you who missed it, is now in a spacious new space at Dewey and Historic Decatur Streets (in the same  building complex as Ace Hardware, Tin Fish and Point Loma Sports Bar) with lots and lots and lots of free parking.  It’s a short walk to the park if you want a place to relax with a coffee, sandwich or just a slice of artisan bread.

The just renovated Cosmopolitan Hotel and Restaurant in Old Town San Diego  State Park is destined to be a hit.  Most will know the spot as the former Casa Bandini restaurant.  But oh what a cool place it is now with a second floor of ten hotel rooms and some familiar faces to welcome you for drinks and food.  The proprietor is Joseph Melluso well-known for his Tin Fish restaurants in San Diego and around the country, the chef is Amy DiBiase formerly of Roseville and bar goers will find  Sheila Tracy mixing drinks.  The entire venue is set in the 1870’s, complete with period costumes for the staff and victuals that reflect a modern take on those from earlier times.

4 thoughts on “Cosmopolitan Hotel and Charlie’s Best Bread

  1. Ha crazy Sheila in a period outfit slinging drinks, This I’ll have to see.

    Hope Amy hangs out for a while, she seemed to be bouncing a bit.

  2. Ok..It may be cool..but I think amy needs to really reconsider her audience and her menu. The woman can cook, but old town is a tourist trap. Nobody has replaced Casa De picos..and this menu wont do it either. She needs to create an incredible appetizer menu that encourages people to relax and enjoy the day over proper Margaritas (which I know Sheila can provide) .. There is it two cents worth of Brand strategy! Sorry..but I don’t go to old town for a Cheese board!

  3. Hello Scott,
    tons of locals go to Old Town as well. Personally, I go to Mexico for Mexican food so a cheese board is as good an idea as any to roll down the hill. Other non-Mexi haunts are Harney Sushi (about as un-Mex as you can get but a very busy restaurant & 25Forty–a cool bistro off the beaten path with fabulously fancy but casual fare). Not everyone has to be dressed like a pinata in Old Town.

  4. RollerGirl..

    appreciate the response. As a long time local, I enjoy the people watching that Old town offers. Unfortunately, old town does not offer quality food. Dressed in pinatas or not…I don’t get the cheese board phenomenon…I love cheese, but if you want us locals to travel a little distance, you had better offer a better experience than a cheese board that I can get from any place I can walk to. I just know that Amy is more creative than that, and should put a little more effort into that menu. Give us some appetizers that we want to crave…blue cheese, and cowgirl creamery I can get at wholefoods.

    Just an opinion…not the bible on food.



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