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Foodbuzzsd is in a beta state, evolving in content and design. Part of the blog is about constructive dialogue on the issues that face San Diego’s culinary scene, particularly as we compare San Diego to other cities. And compare we must because as the city grows with fancy restaurants and New York chefs, it will come under greater scrutiny from patrons beyond San Diego.  

Some questions we will explore:  San Diego may want to be a culinary destination, but can it garner consistent national media attention? How does our restaurant criticism stack up to other cities and what constitutes good a restaurant critic? What ever happened to good service, be it with a bartender or a server? 

The point is to question, debate and talk about San Diego’s food scene including the questions above, among many others.  Buzz wants an occasional outside opinion or commentary that might best be titled (for the moment):  Guest Rant or Rave, depending on the subject. Feel free to submit no more than 250 words about our food scene to info@foodbuzzsd.com   


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